What is the Profile?
The Profile is where you can check various Records, Challenges, and Achievements completed in MXM.
Click the Profile menu icon on the bottom left of the game screen to open the Profile window.
Achievements, Challenges, Titles/Insignias, Stage Record, Arena Records, Game History, and Arena(PVP) Rankings can be checked and managed.
The Profile is also where you check for rewards, progress rewards, and story cutscenes for completed Challenges and Achievements.
When Stage rewards are available, the number of collectable rewards are shown as a red icon on the top right of the Profile icon.
Records and Arena Records
Click a tab on the top of the Records or Challenges windows to check the related Profile details.
Records Tab |
Description |
Achievements |
All achievements in MXM, as well as personal achievements, rewards, and progress in the game can be checked. Completing an achievement that gives a Story Reward activates the Watch Story button in this menu. |
Stage Records |
The Rank Leaderboards, Challenges, and Progress achieved in each stage can be checked here. Click the litte Medallion Button(Ranking button) near the High Score area will open up a Leaderboards Ranking tab. |
Arena Rankings |
Your Ranked Titan Ruins progress can be checked here. The medallion button on the top left of this tab can swap between your personal ranking and the top 100 rankings for Titan Ruins. |
Summary |
It lists achievements and challenge completions in chronological order. |
Arena Records
Arena Records Tab |
Description |
Arena Records |
This shows your stats for PVP arenas and Mini Games. Master PVP Statistics and Results of Recent 10 Games can be checked in the Details window to the right. |
Master Mini Games |
Shows your progress and performance within the realm of mini games. Master Mini Game Statistics and Results of Recent 10 Games can be checked in the Details window to the right. |
Titles and Insignias
Titles are displayed above your representative Master’s nickname to show individual flair.
Various titles can be earned as rewards for completing Achievements.
Some titles boost a Masters’s stats in PVE(only).
Insignias are displayed to the left of your representative Master’s nickname to show individual flair.
There are different types of Insignias, obtainable from Achievements, Titan Ruins, or having a Membership active.
Unlike titles, insignias do not boost a Masters’s stats. Insignias can be found in the Title window under the Insignia tab.
Acquiring and Equipping Titles
Titles can be obtained as rewards for completing certain Achievements or special Challenges.
Achievements and Challenges that give titles as rewards can be checked in the Challenges tab of the Profile window.
Choosing ‘Reward - Title’ on the left top for sorting makes it easier to check the Challenges.
A title can be equipped by checking the box next to it.
The Title column is the title that will be shown above the nickname, while the Buff column is the stat bonus that will be applied to your Masters in PVE.
One title can be chosen for display and another different title for stats.
Acquiring and Equipping Insignias
Insignias can be obtained as rewards for meeting certain goals in the arena or completing Achievements.
Insignia completion progress can be checked in the Arena Rankings tab of the Profile window. Additionally, for Titan Ruins specifically, this progress bar also shows your progress to the next Tier of Ranked play.
Achievement Insignia information can be checked in the Master Details.
Achievement point requirements for acquiring Achievement Insignia are as follows.
Achievement Insignia Acquiring Requirements
Insignia Level |
Required Achievement Pts |
1 |
100 |
2 |
1,600 |
3 |
2,800 |
4 |
4,000 |
5 |
5,200 |
6 |
6,400 |
7 |
7,600 |
Insignia category shows the acquired insignias.
Insignias can be equipped by placing a check/clicking in the corresponding box.