
The Arena is MxM’s PvP battleground where players can fight each other in various environments.

Only careful strategies and tactics will prevail!

Your Arena performance is immediately recorded to the profile. Arena Records and Rankings can checked in the profile window.

Players can use their Weapon Augments and Nodes in every game mode of the Arena.

Node stats are applied differently depending on the Arena type(normal/ranked).


Click the Dispatch button on the top of the screen on the Bridge to display the Select Arena window.

After selecting an Arena type, set the Game Mode and click the Next button.

Arena can be played in 3 different ways. See the following table for Arena Modes.

Game Mode




Normal Unranked Arena mode for casual play and fun. Node effectiveness is reduced by 50% in normal games.


Ranked Arena mode. Finds games based on MMR and records your progress in the Arena Rankings tab. Ranked PVP is played on Titan Ruins.

Only Masters with an Account Level of 40, and 12 available Masters can access this mode.

A.I. Match

Masters fight against A.I. enemies to test their skills. This Arena mode can only be selected for Combat Arena and Titan Ruins.

Masters can go against A.I. through match making or add A.I. as party members in Custom Matches.

Custom Match

In this Arena mode, Masters can invite their friends, set up their own matches, or add AIs as party members.

Masters can replace their team members and also invite spectators.

However, no battle records are recorded and no achievements/missions can be accomplished.

Invite friends or press the Party Matching button to find party members to play Arena matches together.

In Combat Arena A.I. Match, several Masters can fight against AIs together through party matching.

In both Custom Match and Combat Arena A.I. Match, press the Add AI button to add random AIs to your party.

However, no A.I. can be added to your party in A.I. Match.

For PVP modes, select your Master Skin, Weapon Augments, Active Skills, and Node Pages, then click the Ready button.
When all party members have confirmed their selections, the match will begin.

Combat Arena

In Combat Arena, Masters fight against their opponents for a limited amount of time, and the team that kills more enemies wins the match.
The match randomly starts in one of the Combat Arena locations.

Time Limit

5 minutes

Arena Mode

Bridge Arena

Brush Arena

Portal Arena

Game Mode

Normal/A.I. Match/Custom Match

Victory Condition

The team that has the most kills by the end of the match wins.

Additional Notes

In Normal/A.I. Match, only 50% of Node stats are applied.

In Custom Match, 100% of Node stats are applied.

Bridge Arena
In this arena, a random number of wall obstacles becomes active upon entering the Arena, but they can be temporarily disabled through damage.

Healing capsule spawn regularly in front of each respawn pad.

Brush Arena

In this arena, players must use brush and walls in the environment to take cover or hide while fighting.

After a few minutes, new walls will raise from the ground, blocking off escape routes.

Combat boosters and healing capsules will spawn regularly in the arena.

Portal Arena

In this arena, teleport circles allow Masters to quickly traverse from one area to another, but they can be followed if their adversaries are quick.

Portals on the respawn pad can be used at all times, but the portals in the arena have a cooldown time.

Entry portals have exit points with corresponding colors.

There are no health capsules in the Portal Arena.

A.I. Match

A.I. Match is a mode for beginners who are not quite ready for the full Combat Arena experience.

Several players can participate in a battle together against an AI team.

A.I. Matches are exclusively played on the Bridge Arena.

Hardpoint Capture

Hardpoint Capture is an event PvP arena that is not always available. Masters should check the Hardpoint Capture schedule on the Calendar to know when it is an available game mode.

In Hardpoint Capture, both attack and defense are crucial to capture the Hardpoints. Masters must capture points to build their score. The first team to score 300 points wins.

There are 5 Hardpoints. Each point awards a different amount of points. Plan out which points are more important to you, knowing that points closer to the enemy respawn pad are worth more to your team.

When starting a match, either the Core Conquest or Altar Capture maps is chosen at random.

Match Type

4 VS 4

Time Limit

10 minutes

Arena Mode

Core Conquest

Altar Capture

Game Mode


Victory Condition

A team that scores 300 first by capturing or maintaining Hardpoints wins the match.

Master Condition

Only 50% of node stats owned by the player is applied.

The outcome of Hardpoint Capture is affected more by capturing key points rather than defeating enemy Masters.
Players can score points on the following basis:



Capturing the center Hardpoint

10 points

Capturing a enemy Hardpoint

7 points

Capturing a normal Hardpoint

3 points

Holding a Hardpoint

1 point per 5 seconds

Enemy Master Slain

1 point

Titan Ruins

Titan Ruins is a vast battleground where Masters battle alongside Titans. The team that destroys the core in the enemy base, obtains 1000 points, or has the most points after 25 minutes, wins.

In Titan Ruins, Masters can earn XP to increase their level, and boost Master-specific character traits every third level to make them stronger. Every 100 points, a Titan will spawn and push the middle lane. The Next Titan that will spawn is shown in the top middle of the screen. Titans go WEAK after using special attacks. Hit them with skills while they are WEAK to build their WEAK bar and stun them when it fills, causing all attacks to critically strike them briefly.

Collect 5 Titan Shards from Titan Monoliths and slain Titans to transform into Titan Incarnate temporarily and leave devastation in your wake.

Titan Incarnates can use fists to beat down smaller enemies, or hit R to arm themselves with a Titanic Hammer that staggers Titans and destroys structures with ease. A Titan incarnate can turn the tide of a battle, but use it wisely as it does not last long and can be easily wasted.

Match Type

5 VS 5

Time Limit

25 minutes

Arena Mode

Individual or Team

Game Mode

Tutorial/Normal/Ranked/A.I. Match/Custom Match

*Complete the tutorial once to unlock other game modes. There is also an advanced tutorial for more information.

Victory Condition

Destroy the enemy Titan Core or reach 1,000 points first to win.

Alternatively, the team with a higher score when 25 minutes are up wins.

Master Condition

In Normal/A.I. Match, only 50% of Node stats are applied.

In Ranked/Custom Match, 100% of Node stats are applied.



The outcome of Titan Ruins is greatly influenced by controlling objectives.

Score more points by using structures and monsters within the Ruins, as well as defeating enemy Masters.

Players can score points in Titan Ruins on the following basis:




Slaying an enemy Master

5 points

Shutting down an enemy Master on a killstreak (with consecutive kills)

5 points + α


1 point

Titanite Captain

1 point

Altar Watcher

2 points


12 points

Enemy Titan

3 points + 3 points per additional kill

Fallen Titan, Rozark the Disgraced

100 points

The Corruptor, King Tanian

30 points

Titan Monolith

5 points


2 points


2 points


1 point

Capturing Titan Sight

3 points


Various monsters appear in Titan Ruins.

Monsters are divided into allies, enemies, and neutrals. Use them effectively to turn the battle in your favor.

Protect allied monsters and kill as many hostile monsters as possible.

Killing neutral monsters grants beneficial effects or XP.

Neutral monsters spawn at specified times and respawn after a few minutes when they are killed.

Monster- Titan

The Titan is the most important monster in Titan Ruins.

A Powerful Titan spawns at a base each time that team obtains 100 points.

Titans advance down the middle lane to destroy the enemy base as soon as they spawn. If Titans encounter each other while advancing, they fight to the death.

A victorious Titan absorbs the power of the defeated Titan to recover its HP and become stronger.

There are Ardent, Helix, and Kinetic Titans, each using different abilities. When they use their most powerful ability, they will go WEAK. WEAK Titans can be hit will skills in order to build their WEAK meter. If that meter is maxed, the Titan will be stunned and all attacks that hit it deal critical damage for a short time.

The first Titan type is random, but each Titan thereafter appears in the order of Ardent, Helix and Kinetic, based on whatever type the first Titan was.

The first Titan to spawn is empowered by your Core, granting it a 10,000 point shield. Additionally, as a Titan spawns it will grant your entire team a buff based on its type.

Passive: Increases the Titan's Weapon Damage by 20% for each allied Masters nearby. Tsaphon moves slower the move damage it takes.

Ability: Fires a straight shockwave which splits into up to 5 lines depending on nearby Masters.

Death Effect: Explodes upon death to inflict damage to nearby enemies.

Ardent Tsaphon

Passive: Blocks incoming projectiles with a massive Titanic Shield. When Damizhra is damage enough, the shield is destroyed.

Ability: Smashes the ground, causing all allies in the area to regain a massive portion of health.

Death Effect: Shields all allies in a large area around the dying Titan.

Helix Damizhra

Passive: As Marahv walks, it leaves behind energy that increases the Movespeed of trailing allies. Marahv’s Movespeed increases as its HP decreases.

Ability: Pulls enemies in a large area around Marahv directly to the Titan.

Death Effect: Pulls enemies in a large area around Marahv directly to the Titan's corpse, and slows them heavily.

Kinetic Marahv

Titan Shard
Titan Monoliths and Titans drop Titan Shards when they are killed.

If you pick up the dropped Titan Shards, your position is briefly revealed to the enemy team and you are slowed.

If you return to your base's respawn pad, the Titan Shards you are carrying are all turned in. When 5 Titan Shards are turned in, any of your team members can transform into a Titan Incarnate.

Press the Z key(by default) to initiate a Titan Incarnate transformation. This begins a vote, allowing your teammates to decide whether the transformation should be allowed or not during a brief channel duration.

※ An alternative was to obtain Titan Shards comes from Towers. Each friendly tower that is destroyed will automatically award your team a Titan Shard that does not need to be turned in.


Number of Shards


1 Titan Shard

Titan Monolith

1 Titan Shard

Allied Tower destroyed

1 Titan Shard

In Titan Ruins, there are many structures, such as Ruark's Altar and Titan's Sight.
There are also destructible walls and Brush where Masters can hide.
Remember to fight around objectives and structures instead of chasing kills.



Sight Device

Capturing a Titan's Sight allows reveals the surrounding area, as well as the nearby area around a corresponding crystal.

Ruark's Altar

Altar Watchers spawn after 2 minutes. All Altar Watchers at an Altar must be killed to summon Ruark or Adaman to fight for your team.

Nashrune Chamber

You can enter the Nashrune Chamber to challenge Rozark. When entering the area, Rozark the Disgraced will be waiting to crush your dreams.


The starting area of the game where Masters respawn. All resources and health are regenerated here, and trait points earned every 3 levels can spent to strengthen your Masters. You can also refund trait points if you wish to change your stats.

Destructible Walls

Walls which can be jumped over by certain Masters’s Active Skills or Survival Skills.


Brush will stealth Masters standing in it, and stop projectiles from passing completely through it. Projectiles fired from Brush are also briefly invisible. Use the element of surprise to your advantage!


Sometimes referred to as the "river". Slows Masters slightly when moving through the waterways. The River King is also found here.

XP and Leveling Up

Your level can be increased by earning XP in Titan Ruins through killing hostile Masters or Monsters.

Character’s stats increase slightly and skill points are given as their level increases.

XP is awarded both individually, and to your entire team based on the following:

XP Type

How to earn XP

Team XP

Ruark/Adaman/Rozark the Disgraced/Titans/Kills or Destroying Towers/The Corruptor, King Tanian

Individual XP

Enemy kills/Titanites/Titans/Keepers, Wardens, Guardians, Titan Monolith

Range XP

You gain XP if you are near an enemy Titanite when they are killed. If there are other allies within range, the XP is divided amongst everyone.


Each character receives 3 trait points every 3 levels.

Stats can be increased in a total of 4 Master-specific traits. Trait points are applied immediately after they are invested.

Traits can be changed or reset in the base.

Each trait point significantly increases a specific stat, allowing you to customize your playstyle.

Titan Ruins Tutorials

In this mode, Titan Ruins can be experienced before actually playing it against enemy players.

There are two types of tutorials. Master Lilu teaches the basic information in the first tutorial and the advanced information in the second tutorial.

Titan Ruins tutorials can be played repeatedly in the Tutorial Dispatch menu.

Titan Ruins Normal

This is the unranked mode where only 50% of node stats are applied and there is no recorded ranking change.

Anyone with 6 available Masters can play normal mode.

Records for Titan Ruins Normal can be seen from the Records - Arena tab of the Profile window.


Anyone with 12 available Masters and Account Level 40 or higher can play Ranked Titan Ruins.

100% of Node stats are applied in Ranked.

Records for Ranked can be checked from the Arena tab of the Profile window.

A.I. Match

A.I. Match is a mode for beginners where the enemy team only consists of A.I..

Masters can participate in a battle together against an AI team. If no Masters are matched, A.I. are added to the team.
